Wednesday 23 September 2015

Exit Humanity (2011)

This zombie western has a strong first act, ending in a particularly harrowing moment for its protagonist.  Thereafter however, it could probably have done with a couple more re-writes to tighten it up, as it loses some momentum during the second half.  It's still watchable - carried along by strong performances and canny production that makes it look like a more expensive movie than it is - but it doesn't quite live up to its early promise.

That said, it still earns a qualified recommendation because if you're at all a fan of the zombie milieu (and judging by the popularity of The Walking Dead, plenty of people are) then this is worth your time.  While it doesn't always gel quite as well as I would like, it's got more to say than the average misanthropic entry in the genre, and it's made by people who obviously know and understand their craft.

Exit Humanity posits a zombie outbreak in the immediate aftermath of the American Civil War, and follows the experiences of a Confederate soldier named Edward when he returns home to find his wife is infected and his son is missing.  He slays and buries his wife, and sets out to find his boy.

You may find this an odd thing for a zombie movie to be, but this film is at its core a story about love - whether it be romantic, paternal, fraternal, or for one's country - and the good and bad that can come from that strong emotion.  Love is the cause of the zombie plague.  Love brings Edward to his lowest moments.  But love also motivates the positive actions of characters in the film, and it is through love that Edward is able to endure his experiences and find hope for the future.

In need of some tightening up it may be, but I'm glad I saw this film.

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